Our friend Jun Iwasaki is a talented photographer residing in Tokyo, but with a strong love for European culture has been visiting frequently Europe and has actually lived in Paris too. Jun shot for our last issue record collector Chee Shimizu and and musicians Yoshio Ojima and Satsuki Shibano. His small Tokyo apartment hosts more amazing furniture that I can count and his love for good food is always a reason for me to drool over his instagram posts. Here is Jun’s quarantine diary from Tokyo.
Jun’s amazing chair collection.
"Quarantine diary from Tokyo for KENNEDY magazine"
By Jun Iwasaki (@to_make_it_home)
My daily routine is quite repetitive at the moment; I wake up between 5:00-6:00am and read a book until my eyes are properly open, then I take a walk to the local park. There is a particular spot I always visit, my favourite tree is there. I hug that tree and close my eyes for a moment — this is my favourite part of the morning.
I then have breakfast, start work by 8:30am, and take lunch from 1:00pm. Lunch is always followed by an espresso.
I’ll finish work by 5:30pm and try to sit at my desk until then, even if I’m sleepy or not in the mood. Sometimes it can be hard to focus though and not get distracted by my own things during work hours. But, I’m learning how to work from home!
I also spend some time watching movies or reading a book, and speaking with my girlfriend in Antwerp after dinner. Usually I go to bed around 11:00pm, and I run 3 days a week.
It’s the same routine most days.
I’m writing this because many of you expect I only cook and eat omelette at home. Honestly though, I am not actually a big fan of eating omelette, I just LOVE to cook it. I learnt how to cook an omelette at rose bakery in Paris when I lived and worked there. I use 3 eggs for making an omelette and it makes me quite full, I don’t know how to cook an omelette with 2 eggs.
Omelette Recipe:
Crack 3 eggs into a bowl and whisk them with seasoning
Heat a 22cm French iron pan on medium heat, add oil and pour eggs in when pan is hot enough
Mix eggs well and quickly in the pan, gently making shape to avoid eggs sticking to the pan
So! This part of the process is the most exciting part for me, the cooking. Afterwards, my passion for omelette goes down.
Anyway, this quarantine diary a good way to share what else I cook and eat at home:
1. Avocado toast
I love to thinly slice avocado and spread like wad of notes on toast.
2. Pici
My friend Harry, from Auckland, shared this recipe with my girlfriend Seiko, in Antwerp. She knows I hate using flour to cook, but she still wanted me to make it. It wasn’t difficult and is so yum.
250g bread flour
111g water
Olive oil
Mix all ingredients in a bowl, cover and let it sleep in the fridge for 30mins
Remove from fridge and divide dough into pieces
Roll it into noodles
Cook in boiled water for 3 mins, (salt necessary!)
I have this with pesto, or carbonara.
3. Lemon Almond cake
My lovely friend Kana who owns a cafe called buik in Aoyama, sent her recipe to me. It made my day!
4. Espresso (decaf)
I love to use my stainless espresso cup. That’s why I drink espresso everyday after lunch.
5. Polpette
This meal is inspired by Martin Scorsese.
6. Koala Tea
Last year, I stop taking caffeine due to mental problem.
My friend brought it back from Australia. It says”No Worries” so good!
I haven’t seen many movies since my quarantine started but, the cinema (Japanese CS channel) on demand just started, 1st April. An Eric Rohmer movie is uploaded once a week, and I have really enjoyed these so far.
1. "CRISIS IN SIX SCENE” by Woody Allen on amazon
2. “La Femme de l’aviateur” by Eric Rohmer on the cinema (Japanese CS channel)
3. “Le Beau mariage” by Eric Rohmer on the cinema (Japanese CS channel)
4. “Pauline a la Plage” by Eric Rohmer on the cinema (Japanese CS channel)
5. “CASINO” by Martin Scorsese on amazon
1. “Catching the Big Fish” by David Lynch
2. “Pensees” by Blaise Pascal
3. “Six Contes Moraux” by Eric Rohmer
4. “AGUA VIVA” by Clarice Lispector
(5. ”WALDEN” by Henry David Thoreau)
I like listening to the radio. I guess it’s good to listen to something "on air" under quarantine days.
1. “Do!! You!! Breakfast Show by Charlie Bones" on NTS
2. "SUNDAY SONG BOOK by Tatsuro Yamashita" on TOKYO FM